As it turns out you can take food onto airplanes.
I use a lot of rooster sauce, I put it in sir fries, soups, chili and use it as a dipping sauce. There are a couple of problems with making your own rooster sauce: you need to find the right peppers to get the right taste, purchasing/growing your own peppers is incredibly vexing here in the northwest. Of course I want organic peppers, and being that there's not really anyone who grows peppers up here I would have to travel to where they are being sold. I suppose I could have them shipped, but the assurance of quality would be lost. I would expect if you went to a high end grocery store you could find a larger selection of peppers, even organic, but the problem is still present that those peppers were not picked ripe. This is actually a giant peeve of mine. Allow me to get out my soap box.

San Francisco is not a hot area, and to grow hot peppers you need hot weather. So as I looked at the misshapen peppers (I don't mind, I'm going to grind them anyhow) in the bargain bags I realize that it is going to cost me/my hubby around a few hundred dollars a jar to make this sauce. Then again, I could look at the situation that I'm on vacation and now I get to make a few jars of this sauce, something that would not be as easy to do if I were not visiting this wonderful area.
The nice farmer did not have the right peppers, so I knew when I started out that I was not going to be making rooster sauce, but rather a red pepper sauce. It did turn out well, and it's very tasty and sweet, being that I used a lot of sweet peppers.

I also pickled garlic. I'm not sure what I'll do with it, but since you can buy a giant pack of peeled garlic at the pan Asian grocery store down the way, it seemed a logical progression for me.
You might begin to wonder why I'm telling you all this: because I used one vinegar base to make all three types of preserves and it took me about 2 hours to make everything. I am actually going to give you the recipe for the jalapenos and garlic, but not the pepper paste, I made it up from my head after hearing the recipe read to me from my friend's phone: peppers, vinegar, garlic; I have confidence in your Google skills. Also I got a random assortment of peppers, I have no idea what types.

2 C. water
1 Tbs citric acid
2 C. brown rice vinegar
1 C. unfiltered apple cider vinegar
2 C. white vinegar
1/2 C. Splenda
1/4 C. organic sugar
20 sliced jalapenos
4 Tbs minced garlic
1 thin sliced onion
3 cups peeled garlic
dill seed
mustard seed
red chili flake
several canning jars, lids and rings
Heat your oven to 225, put your washed jars in the oven. Put your rings and lids in a water bath (washed of course). Heat the rings and lids over low. Get your water bather going now.
Slice your jalapenos and put them in one bowl. Slice the onion and put it in a different bowl, put the minced garlic in a small bowl and the peeled garlic in it's own bowl.
In a large pot heat the water, citric acid, sugar, splenda and all of the vinegars to boiling.
Remove one jar from the oven. Set it on a towel. Put a small scoop of hot liquid into the jar. This is very important as you do not want to put cool vegetables into a hot jar without a buffer. This will ensure that you don't break a jar. In the bottom of the jar put a dab of minced garlic and a few strips of onion. Get out your chopsticks and arrange the onion to take up as little space as possible, put in a handful of jalapenos, arrange to take up as little space as possible and then add more onions. Continue in this method until you have the jar pretty full, about 1/2 inch from the top. Pour hot liquid over the vegetables and wipe the rim with a damp cloth. Add one ring and one lid. Finish up the jalapenos. Water bath for 10 minutes. If you need better canning directions go look on the internet.
For the garlic, it's the same method, a bit of liquid, a few slices of onion and then fill the jar 1/2 way with garlic. At this time you might want to infuse each jar a special way with dill, mustard or chili flake. The choices are up to you. After you do or do not add spices fill the jar 1/2 inch from the top with garlic and then cover with hot liquid, water bath for 15 minutes.
Allow all your jars to cool over night before removing the rings. Test each one for seal and if they aren't sealed put them in the fridge and eat them in a few days.
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